This attractive pair is based on the Wallace Collection’s A635 rapier, featuring that iconic spiral guard and dragon-headed knuckle guard. Having created replicas of the A635 before, Chris enjoyed the extra challenge of a simple but elegant parrying dagger with the same aesthetics as the original.
The client requested a sword that maintained the look of the A635 with a longer blade and a lighter weight. This was a challenging combination, resulting in a variant that would work particularly well for early, bind-centric rapier play, with its blade-centric balance, hollow pommel and long ricasso.
The addition of a parrying dagger adds to this aptitude, and the main gauche offers simple yet practical protection, with its closed port and wide quillons.
Please see our pricing structure for an idea of what a similar custom dagger would cost.
∴ Specs ∴

Total length: 126cm
Blade length: 113cm
Blade width at shoulder: 2.3cm
Blade stock: 6mm
Quillon span: 28cm
Grip length: 7cm
Grip and pommel: 12cm
Grip to guard space: 5cm
Point of balance: 16cm
Weight: 1040g
Blunt edges and swollen tip
Fencing safe flex

Total length: 56.5cm
Blade length: 42cm
Blade width at shoulder: 3.5cm
Blade stock: 6mm
Quillon span: 22.5cm
Grip length: 7cm
Grip and pommel: 12cm
Grip to guard space: 5cm
Point of balance: Cross
Weight: 550g
Blunt edges and swollen tip
∴ Notes ∴

The hand-forged and heat-treated guard and pommel on both sword and dagger are blackened to a matte finish.
The sword guard features straight, flat-section quillons with flaring terminals, a closed portal with custom piercing, and a spiral-shaped guard that sweeps up into a knuckleguard with a serpent-head terminal. The dagger guard has matching quillons and closed portal.
Both pommels are oviform with hand-carved swirls. The oak grips are wrapped in a pattern of braided steel and copper wire, finished to top and bottom with Turks head knots. The sword blade features three quillons to the forte.
∴ Gallery ∴
∴ A Serpent's Coils∴

The roar of the onlookers is a hot rush in your ears as you step out to meet your challenger. As you stride across the salle, one hand waving absently to the audience, you’re already sizing up the competition.
The serpent, they call him. To be honest, you can’t see why. His slight stature, narrow eyes and nervous disposition put you more in mind of a rodent than a snake. But his sword - now that is a thing of beauty. A curling black guard, like his namesake’s sinuous coils, sweeping up into an elegant knuckleguard topped with a dragon’s head.
Another look tells you that there’s more to this totem animal: clamped between the serpent’s jaws is a carved black heart. In every sword is a story, and this one is clear enough: beware the allure of the beast, for this one is a killer.
The horn sounds and you settle into guard, watching for your opponent’s tells. Almost immediately he circle-steps around you, smoothly, confidently. You follow him round, angling your blade to protect your right shoulder, only for him to take another sweeping step. You’ve seen this before: the serpent is back-footing you, forcing you to move in response to him, to fight on his terms. Knowing this, you relax and plan your lunge, waiting patiently for the gap in the arc of his next side-winding stride.
As you shift your grip on your sword, ready to strike, you realise that something is amiss. Your attacker is not where he ought to be. With a split-second sinking feeling, you understand: the serpent has not only been stepping around you, but with each stride fractionally nearer. Now, perfectly in measure, he catches your blade with his dagger and steps in to take the point.
You’ve been caught in the serpent’s coils.