This early English basket-hilted sword was designed to be light and nimble, with its point of balance close to the hilt for swift rotational actions. A hollow pommel and light tip keep the weight centred and ready. The left-handed guard combines aspects of extant originals to create a historically sized basket with traditional saltires and an unusual counterguard, which offers robust thumb protection. Please see our pricing structure for an idea of what a similar sword would cost.
∴ Specs ∴

Total length: 93cm
Blade length: 31"
Blade width at base: 4.3cm
Grip length: 9cm
Grip and pommel: 13.5cm
Point of Balance: 8cm
Quillon span: 17cm
Weight: 1150g
Blunt edges
Rounded tip
Fencing flex
∴ Notes ∴
The hand-forged heat-treated guard and hollow pommel are oil-blackened to a matte finish.
The custom-sized oak grip is wrapped in a pattern of copper and brass twisted wire, with Turk's head knots to the top and bottom.
The blade features an engraving of the sword's name in a runic style.
∴ Gallery ∴
∴ A Cold Fury∴

You walk the once-beloved field in silent horror. Shouts fill the air around you, but the words seem obscured, echoing, as if in a dream. Wild-eyed survivors and healers push past, desperate to leave the scene that will never leave them. Already the ravens are gathering, ragged-winged harpies, doing the only thing they know how to do.
You walk between them, unhindered, removed, staring at the scarred land and the broken bodies. You used to play here, not so many years ago. A stick as a wooden sword, and your father's cap slipping over your eyes. Now you stand in the same place, the same worn cap pulled over your brow, the same warlike urge swelling inside you - but it is not a childish notion of glory that drives you now. Only a simple, inglorious need for revenge.
At last your glassy gaze settles on the thing you came here seeking. A black hilt half-hidden beneath the bulk of a lifeless horse. Not bothering to hold your breath against the stench, you kneel down and tug it free. Black saltires. Braided copper wire. A broad blade, and a simple basket. It will suffice.
Turning the blade in your bloodstained hands, you note an inscription engraved on the blade: Furia. An ugly smile escapes you.
Perhaps it will more than suffice.