Partially inspired by a rapier in the Stibbert museum (inventory number 2005), this elegant weapon features comfortable hand coverage in the form of three rings and a scallop shell plate. The blade is made from a historically accurate 8mm stock, and features three fullers. Agile and classically designed, this sword is (in the words of Capoferro) a true "nobilissimo instrumento". Please see our pricing structure for an idea of what a similar sword would cost.
∴ Specs ∴

Weight: 1150g
Total length: 121cm
Blade length: 42"
Grip and pommel length: 13.5cm
Quillon span: 25cm
Point of Balance: 10cm
2mm edges
Fencing flex
Swollen tip
∴ Notes ∴
The hardwood grip is wrapped in twisted steel wire, while the hardened steel furniture is oil blackened. The blade features three fullers, and an engraving denoting the date of production.
∴ Gallery∴
∴ A Noble Calling∴

Rosy evening rays blush over golden stone and softly lapping waters. A lull settles over the harbour as fishermen and dock workers pause wordlessly to watch the sun perform its swansong. You drink in the salt-tinged air and feel a smile spreading across your face.
You've passed this same bustling port every night on your walk home, sometimes idling for hours at the water's edge, watching the world come and go. Now it's your turn.
The pack on your back contains a spare shirt, some cured meat, and a crumpled letter of recommendation. At your side is your sole and most sacred possession - your father's sword. Seductive as the sea itself, its rolling curves and seashell carvings have long fed your dreams of escape. As a child you would beg to hold it, and imagine yourself at the prow of a ship, ready to face down the wind.
You always told your father you'd cross the sea one day. If only he could see you now.